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Home > Resources > CHAIN 2 launch event
CHAIN 2 launch event
CHAIN I members and delegates from NHSU met at Wokefield Park Executive Centre on 8 and 9 December 2003 to talk about workplace-based learning. The key speakers were Professor Phil Candy of NHSU, and Martyn Sloman of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Another key speaker, Tricia Greenhalgh, was unable to attend but you can download her presentation, along with most of the other resources from the two-day event, below.
Keynote speakers
Soft networks in learning and action: an evaluation of the CHAIN network - Tricia Greenhalgh
arrow Download presentation 215KB Adobe Acrobat format

Training in the age of the learner - Martyn Sloman
arrow Download presentation 677KB Adobe Acrobat format
Group sessions
Practice placements - work-based learning for professional development - Gifford Batstone
arrow Download presentation 143KB Adobe Acrobat format

Work-based learning v. conventional learning: what are the barriers? - Linda Birch
arrow Download presentation 679KB Adobe Acrobat format

The organisational context for workplace-based learning: the workplace as learning environment - Lynne Caley
arrow Download presentation 46KB Adobe Acrobat format

Managing differing expectations of workplace-based learning in the NHS - Pat Colliety
arrow Download presentation 155KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: learning and leading on a workplace-based learning doctoral programme - Patrick Coyne and Ricky Lucock
arrow Download presentation 485KB Adobe Acrobat format

Delivery of workplace-based learning as a contextual orientation to e-learning - Heidi Emery
arrow Download presentation 88KB Adobe Acrobat format

How can CHAINs support workplace-based learning? - David Evans
arrow Download presentation 85KB Adobe Acrobat format

Supporting learners in the workplace: new roles for libraries and librarians - Shane Godbolt and Aileen Wood
arrow Download presentation 24KB Adobe Acrobat format
arrow Input from participants 33KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: clinical effectiveness at King's College Hospital - Jonathan Grellier and Una Hayles
arrow Download presentation 373KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: communicating with people with learning disabilities - Allyson Kent
arrow Download presentation 652KB Adobe Acrobat format

Establishing the parameters of work-based learning: a customer's perspective - Henry Lee
arrow Download presentation 37KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: confidentiality and young people - David Lewis
arrow Download presentation 44KB Adobe Acrobat format

The pros and cons of multi-professional work-based learning - Joan Livesley
arrow Download presentation 188KB Adobe Acrobat format

Using success stories to motivate other learners - Kate Malone
arrow Download presentation 41KB Adobe Acrobat format

Incorporating reflective learning into work-based learning - Annabelle Mark
arrow Download presentation 80KB Adobe Acrobat format

Work-based learning in a primary care trust - Liz Mitcham
arrow Download presentation 186KB Adobe Acrobat format

Mentoring: key issues in work-based learning - Charlotte Ramage
arrow Download presentation 1.80MB Adobe Acrobat format
arrow Background notes 53KB Adobe Acrobat format

Learning from partnership engagement - Stuart Reid
arrow Download presentation 39KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: CHAIN - a soft network - Jill Russell
arrow Download presentation 26KB Adobe Acrobat format

NHSU learning cultures research project - Helen Sheldon
arrow Download presentation 70KB Adobe Acrobat format

Case study: managing diversity - Mel Steward
arrow Download presentation 188KB Adobe Acrobat format

How can NHSU support workplace-based learning? - Steve Mulvany
arrow Download presentation 37KB Adobe Acrobat format

Using a virtual hospital as a learning tool - Keith Ward
arrow Download presentation 605KB Adobe Acrobat format
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